doc: gp_dist

Canonical GP distance $d^2(u,v) = Var[f(u)-f(v) \mid Xt] = \sigma_t^2(u)+\sigma_t^2(v)-2k(u,v)$


 D2 = gp_dist(Kuv, Ktu, Ktv, dKuu, dKvv, BayesInv)
 D2 = gp_dist(Kuv, Ktu, Ktv, dKuu, dKvv, BayesInv, Ht, Hu, Hv)


  • Kuv kernel matrix (nu, nv) between the points of U and V
  • Ktu kernel matrix (nt, nu) between the points of Xt and U
  • Ktv kernel matrix (nt, nv) between the points of Xt and V
  • dKuu vector (nu, 1) of the diagonal kernel between the points of U
  • dKvv vector (nv, 1) of the diagonal kernel between the points of V
  • BayesInv struct array as returned by gp_inf(Ht, Ktt, Yt, noise)
  • Ht matrix (nt, b) basis for the points of Xt
  • Hu matrix (nu, b) basis for the points of U
  • Hv matrix (nv, b) basis for the points of V


  • D2 matrix (nu, nv) of squared distance between U and V

See also
